
McConnell Calls on Senate Democrats to Drop Their Filibuster of DHS Funding Bill

‘If Democrats claim to be against overreach and claim to be for funding the critical activities of the Department of Homeland Security, then there’s no reason for them to continue their party’s filibuster.’

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor calling on Senate Democrats to end their filibuster of the DHS funding bill:

“Democrats are blockading Homeland Security funding in order to defend executive overreach the President said himself he couldn’t take — many times over.

“As I indicated yesterday, this is the reason the Senate can't move forward. So it needs to end. And here's the simplest and most obvious way it can.
“Many Democrats previously indicated opposition to the kinds of overreach described by President Obama as ‘unwise and unfair.’
“So all they have to do is back those words up with action.
“If Democrats claim to be against overreach and claim to be for funding the critical activities of the Department of Homeland Security, then there’s no reason for them to continue their party’s filibuster.
“So vote with us to allow the Senate to actually debate Homeland Security funding instead.
“We’ve already offered a fair and open debate that would allow for amendments from both parties.
“If the bill needs to be amended, that’s when it could be.

“So this is about Democrats being confronted with a choice:  filibuster funding for Homeland Security to protect overreach President Obama himself referred to as ‘ignoring the law,’ or allow the Senate to debate, vote on, and amend the very funding they claim to want.”  

Related Issues: Appropriations, Senate Democrats, Immigration, Executive Orders