
McConnell Calls on Senate to Advance the SAFE Act

‘Passing the American SAFE Act, which the House has already done by a bipartisan veto-proof margin, would show Americans that their concerns are being heard in Washington.’

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor today regarding the American Security Against Foreign Enemies (SAFE) Act:

“It’s clear that many Americans are concerned about the Administration’s ability to properly vet thousands of individuals from Syria and Iraq. Elected officials in both parties have expressed concerns too, as have Administration officials.

“That’s why many Americans are asking us to take a step back and press ‘pause’ on the program so we can ensure we have the correct policies and security screenings in place.

“The Senate will consider balanced, bipartisan legislation tomorrow to do just that.

“Passing the American SAFE Act, which the House has already done by a bipartisan veto-proof margin, would show Americans that their concerns are being heard in Washington.

“The aim is to ensure we have the facts first, so that we can help advance America’s tradition of compassion and address the legitimate concerns of her citizens at the same time.

“I’ll have more to say on this legislation tomorrow, but I urge colleagues across the aisle to treat this issue with the seriousness it deserves.

“This debate should be driven by facts and commonsense, not fearmongering about targeting ‘widows and orphans’ or other strawman arguments from the White House that demean a serious conversation.

“Americans deserve a vetting process that they can have confidence in, and frankly the refugees coming to this country deserve one too — safeguards that weed out ISIL sympathizers can help ensure legitimate refugees to our country are not unfairly stigmatized

“The American people are concerned and they’re looking to us to lead with both safety and compassion. I’m calling on colleagues to help us do so tomorrow by advancing this balanced and bipartisan legislation.

“Additionally, later this afternoon I’ll be meeting with Malcolm Turnbull, the Prime Minister of one of our close allies, Australia. Our alliance with Canberra is an important one and our countries share many fundamental values. I’m looking forward to our meeting.”

Related Issues: National Security, Syria, Immigration