
McConnell Comments on Tyler Gerth

‘Tyler Gerth was just 27 years old. He was a graduate of Trinity High School and the University of Kentucky. He was an up-and-coming photojournalist with a lot of talent. He’d been attending demonstrations both to speak up for Breonna Taylor and to document history… My sympathies and the sympathies of all Kentuckians go out to the Gerth family.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding the death of Tyler Gerth of Kentucky:


“First, my hometown of Louisville, Kentucky is mourning a young man who was shot and killed on Saturday at a protest in Jefferson Square Park.

“Tyler Gerth was just 27 years old. He was a graduate of Trinity High School and the University of Kentucky. He was an up-and-coming photojournalist with a lot of talent. He’d been attending demonstrations both to speak up for Breonna Taylor and to document history.

“Instead, he lost his life.

“The investigation is still proceeding, but it appears the suspect in custody had been “a frequent participant” in these protests. He’d already been arrested once. It seems he’d gotten into some dispute, and fired indiscriminately. The definition of senseless violence.

“My sympathies and the sympathies of all Kentuckians go out to the Gerth family.

“We are 30 days into these protests. Kentuckians and all Americans deserve safe streets, safe communities, and peace.”