
McConnell: Democrats Aim To Create A ‘Liberal Supermajority’ On The NLRB

‘The Senate’s longstanding practice is to fill Democrat and Republican vacancies on important boards and commissions in tandem. But instead of pairing Gwynne Wilcox, President Biden’s choice for a Democratic seat on the National Labor Relations Board, with a Republican counterpart, our colleagues would like to create an artificial liberal supermajority.’

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding the NLRB:

“This week, Senate Democrats are attempting to tip the partisan scales and weaponize a regulatory authority that impacts millions of American workers and businesses.

“The Senate’s longstanding practice is to fill Democrat and Republican vacancies on important boards and commissions in tandem. But instead of pairing Gwynne Wilcox, President Biden’s choice for a Democratic seat on the National Labor Relations Board, with a Republican counterpart, our colleagues would like to create an artificial liberal supermajority.

“Mr. President, Washington Democrats’ runaway inflation continues to send headwinds through the American economy. Credit-card debt is at an all time high.

“And in historic numbers, workers are concluding that Democrats’ Big Labor allies are not in their corner. Fewer and fewer employees want to hand their hard-earned money over to union bosses—and last year just 6% of the private-sector workforce belonged to unions.

“Just this year, one major union had to fire its president for misusing workers’ dues. And officials from at least two other organizations are facing lengthy prison terms for embezzlement.

“All the while, committed partisans like Ms. Wilcox and liberals at the NLRB have made it their mission to run roughshod over American employers, stack the deck for Democrats’ Big Labor allies, and keep corrupt and failing unions on life support with a tangled mess of regulations.

“The last thing our country needs is an emboldened partisan majority at the wheel of the NLRB. But unfortunately, that’s exactly what we’ll get if Democrats confirm Ms. Wilcox’s nomination by itself.

“So I would strongly urge my colleagues to join me in voting ‘no’ later today.”


Related Issues: Labor