
McConnell Expects Administration’s Zika Briefing to Provide Answers on Plans to Protect Americans

‘Concern about the Zika virus is growing in our country, and protecting constituents — especially children — from communicable disease is a high priority for all of us.’

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor today regarding Sec. Burwell’s upcoming Zika virus briefing:

“I recently asked Secretary Burwell to come to the Senate to brief committee chairs, ranking members, and leaders in both parties on the Administration’s response to the Zika virus. I appreciate her team working with us to schedule that briefing for tomorrow.

“Here are two key areas where we’ll want to get a better understanding at the briefing.

1. What preparations are being made to protect Americans?
2. What are the Administration’s funding priorities given limited federal resources?

“Concern about the Zika virus is growing in our country, and protecting constituents — especially children — from communicable disease is a high priority for all of us.

"I’m looking forward to hearing more about both the Administration’s proposed response and its priorities for combatting this disease tomorrow.”

Related Issues: Health Care, Zika Virus