
McConnell: “I’ll Be Proud to Vote to Advance and Pass the NDAA”

‘This NDAA will build on the success of the last three years in rebuilding and modernizing the world’s greatest fighting forces. It will continue to advance our new National Defense Strategy — putting aside the naïve “resets” of the past administration and continuing to invest in strength, instead.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding the National Defense Authorization Act:

“This week, the Senate will complete two other important pieces of the people’s business. First, we’ll confirm the president’s choice to lead the Office of Management and Budget. And then, we’ll finish and pass the annual National Defense Authorization Act for a 60th consecutive time.

“As COVID-19 captured our nation’s attention, we knew our adversaries around the world would not ease up. We knew that those who seek to harm America, our interests, and our allies would use the commotion to show even more of their true colors.

“And sure enough — the Russian military has flirted even closer to the boundaries of U.S.  airspace. Iran has stepped up its meddling in regional conflicts. China has escalated both its international bullying and its domestic repression, such as in Hong Kong.

“So I’m particularly encouraged that Chairman Inhofe, Ranking Member Reed, and our committee colleagues have put forward a robust, bipartisan bill.

“It will invest in the training and technology that will keep our fighting forces on the cutting edge. It will strengthen our alliances and partnerships with shared systems for containing threats. It will honor our servicemembers and their families with the pay raises and top-notch services they deserve here at home.

“That means new investments in 5G systems and hypersonic weapons, the establishment of European and Pacific Defense Initiatives for greater cooperation to check Russia and China, and improving military family housing, education, and healthcare.

“This NDAA will build on the success of the last three years in rebuilding and modernizing the world’s greatest fighting forces. It will continue to advance our new National Defense Strategy — putting aside the naïve “resets” of the past administration and continuing to invest in strength, instead.

“So I’ll be proud to vote to advance and pass the NDAA. I hope each of our colleagues will join me.”


Related Issues: NDAA