
McConnell-Kaine Tobacco-Free Youth Act Advances to Senate Floor

‘So I was proud to take the lead on this. And I was proud my colleague from Virginia joined me in leading this effort, giving this cause the strong bipartisan momentum it deserves. Yesterday, our measure cleared an important milestone. The HELP Committee approved our Tobacco-Free Youth Act and advanced it here to the floor along with other legislation.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding legislation to raise the national minimum age for purchasing tobacco products to 21:

“Just last month, I introduced legislation along with my colleague from Virginia, Senator Kaine, to address a serious and growing public health issue. As Senator Kaine and I laid out in May, the growing popularity and accessibility of tobacco products like e-cigarettes and vapor products are endangering America’s youth. The CDC estimates that in 2018, youth e-cigarette use in America increased by 1.5 million. 

“So we introduced legislation that would accomplish something very important: Raise the minimum age for purchasing tobacco and vapor products to 21, nationwide. We want to put a huge dent in these pathways to childhood addiction and help get these products out of high schools altogether. 

“Now, as a Virginian and a Kentuckian, neither Senator Kaine nor I lack an appreciation for the history of tobacco in America. For generations, this hugely important cash crop helped build our states and, indeed, the whole nation’s early prosperity. But today, new doors are open to Kentucky’s growers and producers. And parents back home are rightly worried that e-cigarettes and vapor products pose new threats to young people at a critical stage of their development.

“So I was proud to take the lead on this. And I was proud my colleague from Virginia joined me in leading this effort, giving this cause the strong bipartisan momentum it deserves. Yesterday, our measure cleared an important milestone. The HELP Committee approved our Tobacco-Free Youth Act and advanced it here to the floor along with other legislation.

“I want to thank Chairman Alexander, Ranking Member Murray and all our colleagues on the committee for including our legislation in this package and advancing it. I look forward to continuing to work with them, with Senator Kaine, and with all of our colleagues as we work to get this important proposal signed into law.”

Related Issues: Tobacco 21