
McConnell: Obamacare’s Legacy is an Attack on the Middle Class

'At a time when Obamacare is raising health costs dramatically, chasing competition out of the health industry, and collapsing in on itself, Democrats just rolled out a brand-new health-care idea to fix the problems that even they grudgingly admit are plaguing families. Their answer? More Obamacare.'

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on Senate Democrats doubling down on the failures of Obamacare:


“My friend the Democratic Leader has a favorite saying.

“He often says that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result.

“I’m not sure his fellow Democrats got the memo.

“At a time when Obamacare is raising health costs dramatically, chasing competition out of the health industry, and collapsing in on itself, Democrats just rolled out a brand-new health-care idea to fix the problems that even they grudgingly admit are plaguing families. Their answer? More Obamacare.

“No, this is not a joke.

“Democrats actually introduced legislation last week calling for Obamacare 2.0, a new government-run health plan.

“It’s not like this is even a new idea.

“It’s just a stale leftover from the health-care debate in 2009, an idea many Democrats once deemed so bad that it was cut from the final Obamacare bill.

“Now it’s their Hail Mary.

“It’s beyond tone deaf. 

“And there are good reasons why so many of their own caucus won’t support it.

“It’s insulting to the millions of Americans who continue to watch their premiums spike — after Democrats said they’d be lower.

“It’s insulting to the millions of Americans who continue to watch their out-of-pocket costs shoot ever-higher — after Democrats said they’d be affordable.

“I’m sure Democrats will make plenty more promises to sell their latest bad idea.

“I’m just not sure the American people are in a mood to listen anymore.Health costs just rose last month by the largest amount in over three decades.

“Deductibles are outpacing wages.

“Premiums are spiking by double-digits just about everywhere — and could even increase as much as 60% in some places.

“This is Obamacare’s legacy.

“It’s a direct attack on the Middle Class.

“It’s ruining lives and making life even harder for those who struggle already.

“So I have a message to our friends across the aisle.

“Remember what your Leader likes to say about doing the same thing over and over.

“Stop denying reality.

“Stop pretending this is someone else’s fault.

“Own up to what you’ve done to the Middle Class, then work with us to build a bridge away from it.

“Obamacare is scary enough for America’s Middle Class.

“The last thing Americans need now is some government-run sequel."

Related Issues: Health Care, Obamacare, Senate Democrats, Middle Class