
McConnell on Department of Justice IG Investigation: “There is No Need for a Partisan Circus Here in Congress”

‘It’s particularly disappointing that our colleagues have taken to attacking former Attorney General Bill Barr over investigative decisions that predated his time at the Department of Justice. Attorney General Barr served our nation with honor and integrity. These latest attempts to tarnish his name bear the telltale signs of a witch hunt in the making.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding the Department of Justice:

“Late last week, the Democratic Leader and the Democratic Whip gave in to the urge to pick at the scab of politically-motivated investigations that had become their party’s favorite weapon against the previous administration.

“They indicated that they were prepared to compel two former Attorneys General to testify before the Judiciary Committee on efforts to trace leaks of sensitive national security information.

“In case anyone had forgotten, our colleagues are among the same Democrats who spent years demanding repeated investigations of a Republican President while turning a blind eye to the clear abuses of power that infected the investigation of his campaign. 

“So any outrage from Democrats that alleged criminal leaks within their own ranks rightly drew the attention of federal investigators rings completely hollow. 

“It’s particularly disappointing that our colleagues have taken to attacking former Attorney General Bill Barr over investigative decisions that predated his time at the Department of Justice.

“Attorney General Barr served our nation with honor and integrity.

“These latest attempts to tarnish his name bear the telltale signs of a witch hunt in the making.

“Here are the facts: The Department of Justice is empowered to investigate criminal conduct by Members of Congress and their staff.

“Necessarily, this sort of investigation is subject to strict procedural protections.

“And the Department’s Inspector General is fully equipped to determine whether those procedures were followed in this case.

“I am confident that the existing inquiry will uncover the truth.

“There is no need for a partisan circus here in Congress.”

Related Issues: Senate Democrats, National Security