
McConnell on Economy: Good News Continues to Roll In

‘We pressed on, and got tax reform and so many other pro-growth policies done for the American people… American enterprise, American ingenuity, and the talent and work ethic of our people are what made these headlines happen. Republicans are just proud we could play a part, by getting Washington’s foot off the brake and leaving them more free to build their lives and pursue their happiness.’

WASHINGTON, D.C.  U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding the benefits Americans continue to see from the Republican pro-opportunity, pro-worker agenda:

“If I sound like a broken record discussing the pro-growth, pro-worker trends in our nation’s economy, it’s because the headlines continue to roll in faster than I can relate them. Here’s one headline from last week: ‘Small business confidence hits another record high.’ And one industry survey reports more optimism among small business owners this month than at any time in the past 35 years.

“Another headline: ‘U.S. jobless claims fall for a second straight week.’ That one comes not long after the number of Americans filing for unemployment benefits hit a near-49-year low just last month. And another: ‘U.S. retail sales increase strongly in July.’ In fact, they’re up 6.4% over one year ago. An economy that’s expanding, bringing more people into the workforce, and encouraging investment at all levels. Reports like these are exactly what Republicans had in mind when we began implementing our pro-growth, pro-opportunity agenda last year.

“But while we worked to pass the historic tax reform and regulatory reforms that are helping create these conditions, our Democratic colleagues offered up a different set of predictions. They shared our belief that 2018 would be a headline-making year for the U.S. economy. But they insisted the headlines would be catastrophic.

“The House Democratic Leader talked about ‘Armageddon.’ My friend the Senate Democratic Leader proclaimed that ‘nothing’ -- nothing -- in tax reform was ‘suited to the needs of the American worker.’ I don’t think I’ve heard my friends revisit those arguments recently. I haven’t heard too many Democrats eager to remind middle-class American families and small business owners that every single Democrat in the House and the Senate tried to kill their tax cuts with completely partisan opposition.

“But Republicans were undeterred. We pressed on, and got tax reform and so many other pro-growth policies done for the American people. And now, unlike our friends across the aisle, we are still talking about these victories -- practically every day. American enterprise, American ingenuity, and the talent and work ethic of our people are what made these headlines happen. Republicans are just proud we could play a part, by getting Washington’s foot off the brake and leaving them more free to build their lives and pursue their happiness.”

Related Issues: Jobs, Taxes, Small Business, Economy, Tax Reform