
McConnell On Health Care: We Have To Get This Done For The American People

‘Sitting on the sidelines and accepting the status quo won’t bring help to anyone’s constituents. We have the opportunity to provide relief to those struggling families. We should take it. Senators will have more opportunities to offer their thoughts as we work toward an agreement, and every Member will have the ability to engage in a robust debate on the Senate floor.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) made the following remarks today on the Senate floor outlining the Senate Republican health care plan:

“Yesterday, Senate Republicans gathered at the White House for another discussion on the way forward on health care. We had a productive conversation. I appreciate the administration’s engagement, and I look forward to more discussions in the days ahead. We will continue working so that we can bring legislation to the floor for debate and, ultimately, a vote. We know that we cannot afford to delay on this issue. We have to get this done for the American people. That’s a sentiment that is widely shared in our Conference, and I think I speak for everyone in acknowledging once again that the Obamacare status quo is unacceptable and that it simply cannot continue.

“Obamacare has caused premiums to increase by an average of 105 percent in the vast majority of states on the federal exchange. Next year, premiums will again increase across the country — by as much as 43 percent in Iowa, 59 percent in Maryland, and 80 percent in New Mexico. Obamacare has led to 70 percent of counties having little or no choice of insurance on the exchange this year. Next year, dozens of counties are projected to have no choice at all — which could leave thousands trapped, forced by law to purchase Obamacare insurance but left without the means to do so.

“Seven years after Democrats forced Obamacare on our country, these are the painful realities for countless families across the nation. It’s unfortunate that our Democratic colleagues refused to work with us in a serious way to comprehensively address Obamacare’s failures in the seven years since they passed it. I regret that they continue to demonstrate an unserious attitude today. But it’s increasingly clear that Obamacare’s negative trends will only get worse unless we act — hurting even more Americans along the way. This should not be acceptable to anyone. Sitting on the sidelines and accepting the status quo won’t bring help to anyone’s constituents. We have the opportunity to provide relief to those struggling families. We should take it. 

“Senators will have more opportunities to offer their thoughts as we work toward an agreement, and every Member will have the ability to engage in a robust debate out here on the Senate floor. But if one thing is clear, it’s this: Obamacare is a direct assault on the middle class, it’s getting worse, and we have to act to finally move beyond its failures.”


Related Issues: Obamacare, Health Care