
McConnell on London Terror Attack

‘Our friends face difficult days ahead as they begin to heal from this senseless act. But as they do so, we want them to know that the United States stands with them — as a friend, as a cherished ally, and as a united partner against terror.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) made the following remarks on the Senate floor today regarding the terror attack that took place yesterday in London:

“I’d like to start by taking a moment to offer sincere condolences to our friends in the United Kingdom who lost loved ones in yesterday’s horrific terror attack. Our prayers are with all those who were severely injured as well, and we wish them a swift and full recovery. 

“This act of terror occurred on the one-year anniversary of the devastating attack in Brussels, and as Prime Minister May pointed out, the location of the attack seems to be no coincidence. ‘The terrorist chose to strike at the heart of [the UK’s] capital city,’ Prime Minister May said yesterday, ‘where people of all nationalities, religions and cultures come together to celebrate the values of liberty, democracy and freedom of speech.’

“I know I speak on behalf of my colleagues when I say that our thoughts are also with those who were in Parliament at the time of the attack, serving their country much in the same way that we do in this Chamber each day. And of course I want to also acknowledge the law enforcement personnel and first responders who courageously put their lives on the line for their fellow citizens.

“We know that the capable security services of the British, working in cooperation with our own, will continue to investigate whether this was a radicalized individual actor, or a terrorist connected to an ISIL external operation. Our friends face difficult days ahead as they begin to heal from this senseless act. But as they do so, we want them to know that the United States stands with them — as a friend, as a cherished ally, and as a united partner against terror.”