
McConnell On Nominees: We Will Continue To Move Swiftly

‘The Senate will continue its progress confirming the president’s nominees. Last week, we confirmed multiple nominees to a number of federal agencies. Soon, they’ll get on the job for our country.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) made the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding the need to confirm more of the president’s nominees:

“The Senate will continue its progress confirming the president’s nominees. Last week, we confirmed multiple nominees to a number of federal agencies. Soon, they’ll get on the job for our country.

“This week, we’ll start by considering two nominees for the Department of Transportation. Later today, the Senate will vote to confirm Derek Kan to serve as the Undersecretary of Transportation for Policy. Mr. Kan has experience in a wide-range of transportation matters – from Amtrak to riding-sharing platforms. His career in both the private and public sectors will serve him well as he works to develop important policies related to our nation’s infrastructure. I will support Mr. Kan’s nomination, and I urge all Senators to join me.

“Next, we’ll consider the nomination of Steven Bradbury to be the general counsel of the Department of Transportation. During Mr. Bradbury’s service at the Justice Department in the Bush Administration, he advised the Executive Branch on various legal and constitutional questions. I am grateful that he has chosen to serve our nation once again.

“Next up will be David Zatezalo to serve as the Assistant Secretary of Labor for Mine Safety and Health. And then Joseph Otting to be the Comptroller of the Currency. And finally, two more talented and qualified nominees to serve as federal district court judges, Donald Coggins and Dabney Freidrich.

“Thoughtful consideration of President Trump’s nominees is an important responsibility of the Senate, and we will continue to move swiftly so they can get to work for the American people. I look forward to considering each of them this week, and I urge my colleagues to join me.”


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