
McConnell on the Passing of Fred Thompson

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding the passing of former U.S. Senator Fred Thompson:

“There was never any doubt when our colleague from Tennessee was nearby.

“Six feet six inches tall.

“Deep, booming voice.

“Magnetic personality that lit up any room he was in.

“Fred Thompson may have been towered over the Senate in a very literal sense, but he was one of the most down-to-earth guys you’ll ever meet.

“He was a true gentleman with a kind heart.

“And this Senator who lived life to the very fullest, the first in his family ever to attend college, never forgot where he came from.

“Now in a weird twist of fate, it turns out that Fred and I actually came from the same place. We were both born in what was then known as Colbert Hospital around Sheffield, Alabama.

“But getting back to Fred’s humility, how many successful actors can you say that about?

“You see:

“Senator Thompson hardly fit the Hollywood stereotype.

“Senator Thompson didn’t fit the politician stereotype.

“He was just Fred.

“He had one of the most interesting careers you could imagine too.

“Senate colleague.

“Watergate lawyer.

“Presidential candidate.

“Radio personality.

“And he was an icon of silver and small screen alike — one who didn't just take on criminals as an actor but as a real-life prosecutor too.

“That was Fred Thompson. That was the man many of us had the pleasure to serve with.

“I’m reminded of some words shared recently by Fred’s friend of 50 years — a friend who succeeded him here in the Senate.

“‘Very few people can light up the room the way Fred Thompson did,’ he said. ‘I will miss him greatly.’

“I join the Senior Senator from Tennessee in the same sentiment.

“I know the entire Senate does as well, just as the Senate joins together in sending condolences to Fred’s loved ones — Jeri and his children in particular — in this very difficult time.”

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