
McConnell Thanks Acting Sergeant at Arms Jennifer Hemingway

‘I cannot imagine tougher circumstances than those in which Jennifer stepped into this job. She’d already impressed everybody as Deputy Sergeant at Arms, but when the Capitol was breached on January the 6th, she leapt into action at a whole new level.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding Jennifer Hemingway:

“This week marks the end of Jennifer Hemingway’s service as the Senate’s Acting Sergeant at Arms.

“I’m happy and grateful that Jennifer is not going anywhere.

“While she’s stepping aside from the top job, as is custom when party control flips, Leader Schumer’s had the excellent judgment to retain Jennifer as the Sergeant at Arms Chief of Staff.

“So, instead of a farewell, I just want to offer a few thanks.

“I cannot imagine tougher circumstances than those in which Jennifer stepped into this job. She’d already impressed everybody as Deputy Sergeant at Arms, but when the Capitol was breached on January the 6th, she leapt into action at a whole new level.

“It then fell to Jennifer to take the reins through a challenging time.

“Her sure-handed leadership and institutional knowledge helped get us through a safe and successful inauguration just two weeks later.

“Then came the fourth-ever presidential impeachment trial. And there’ve been all the critical daily missions the SAA team fulfills, from physical security to IT infrastructure.

“We were lucky to have such a poised professional on the job and we are lucky she is sticking around.

“I know all my colleagues share my gratitude for Jennifer’s superlative service.”

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