
McConnell Thanks Departing Republican Whip Chief of Staff for His Fine Service

It is a rare thing in Washington D.C. to meet someone who is probably almost always one of the smartest people in the room, but who almost never lets you know it. But Nick combines brilliance and humility in just that way. My staff and I join Senator Thune and the whole Senate in bidding Nick a fond, if reluctant, farewell.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding Nick Rossi, the chief of staff to Republican Whip Senator Thune:

“This week, Senate Republicans are saying goodbye to some all-star staffers.

“Nick Rossi, the chief of staff to our Whip, Senator Thune, has spent 15 years mastering the ins and outs of the Senate.

“This former FBI special agent has used his Harvard Law horsepower to steer offices, committees, and our entire conference in the right direction. Our Whip has had a whip-smart right-hand man.

“I won’t be able to top his boss’s wonderful tribute remarks from yesterday, so I won’t even try. I just wanted to add my own brief thanks and congratulations.

“I’ve gotten to see Nick’s great work up close. Senator Thune and I have a standing Monday meeting to plan the week. It is a very small meeting with very few staff.

“Nick has been in that room — and every time, I’ve been glad he is.

“It is a rare thing in Washington D.C. to meet someone who is probably almost always one of the smartest people in the room, but who almost never lets you know it. But Nick combines brilliance and humility in just that way.

“My staff and I join Senator Thune and the whole Senate in bidding Nick a fond, if reluctant, farewell. Thank you sincerely for your fine service.”

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