
McConnell to Senate Democrats: Stop Delaying Defense Bill

‘Critically, this bill will also help honor our commitment to service members, their families, and veterans — authorizing raises, supporting wounded warriors, and delivering better health care and benefits for the men and women who stand on guard for us every day.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor today regarding the National Defense Authorization Act:


“After two days of needless delay from across the aisle, this morning we’ll vote to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to the National Defense Authorization Act, and hopefully adopt that motion quickly thereafter. This critical defense bill passed committee on a strong bipartisan basis, there’s no reason for further delay from our Democratic colleagues. 

“The National Defense Authorization Act authorizes funds and sets out policy for our military annually. It's always an important bill. It’s an especially important bill today. 

“Consider the multitude of threats facing us from nearly every corner of the world. 

“Consider the need to start preparing our armed services for the many global threats the next President will be forced to confront. 

“As I’ve noted before, some of the most senior national security officials within this administration — like Secretary of Defense Carter and General Dunford, or those recently retired from service like retired General Campbell — have spoken of the need to better position the next President in theaters from Afghanistan to Asia to Libya. So whomever that President is, regardless of party, we should take action now to help our next commander-in-chief in this year of transition. 

“That’s what the defense legislation before the Senate will help us do. 

  • It will support our allies and partners — authorizing funds to combat ISIL, preserve gains in Afghanistan, increase readiness at NATO, and assist friends like Ukraine. 
  • It will enhance military readiness — providing more of the equipment, training, and resources our service members need. 
  • And it will help keep our country safe — getting us better prepared to confront emerging threats like cyber warfare, terrorism, and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

“Critically, this bill will also help honor our commitment to service members, their families, and veterans — authorizing raises, supporting wounded warriors, and delivering better health care and benefits for the men and women who stand on guard for us every day. 

“This bill contains sweeping reforms designed to advance American innovation and preserve our military’s technological edge. The funding level it authorizes is the same as what President Obama requested in his budget. And like I said earlier, it passed the Armed Services Committee on a strong bipartisan vote — 23 to 3. 

“The Armed Services Chairman, Senator McCain, knows what it means to serve. He’s always on guard for the men and women of our military. This bill is a reflection of his commitment. 

“It’s a commitment to them, and it’s a commitment to every American — to preparing our country in this year of transition for both the threats we face today and the threats yet to emerge.”

Related Issues: America's Military, NDAA, National Security, Veterans, Senate Democrats