
McConnell Urges Senate to Pass Bipartisan North Korea Sanctions Bill

‘The regime’s most recent display of belligerent behavior only underlines that the Administration’s approach has not worked. So let’s work together to change it. Let’s vote to move American policy in a better and more successful direction.’

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor today regarding the North Korea Sanctions and Policy Enhancement Act:

“The regime in North Korea presents serious threats — to regional stability, to the security of Americans, to the safety of our allies, and to the wellbeing of North Koreans themselves.

“Pyongyang regularly threatens neighbors like South Korea and Japan.

“It routinely engages in cyberwarfare.

“It repeatedly commits gross human rights violations against its own people and continues to develop a nuclear program that threatens peace in the region and the world.

“The regime’s most recent display of belligerent behavior only underlines that the Administration’s approach has not worked. So let’s work together to change it. Let’s vote to move American policy in a better and more successful direction.

“Last month the House of Representatives voted to pass comprehensive sanctions legislation on a bipartisan basis.

“Tomorrow the Senate will turn to comprehensive sanctions legislation that builds on what the House passed — and we should pass that measure on a bipartisan basis too.

“The North Korea Sanctions and Policy Enhancement Act was written by a Republican from Colorado and a Democrat from New Jersey, and reported from the Foreign Relations Committee.

“It would strengthen congressional oversight.

“It would give the President more tools to take action against North Korea’s growing aggression, and require him to do so.

“It would also reassure our regional allies that we have not despaired in taking any action against North Korea — with or without China's help.

“The kind of belligerence we’ve seen from Pyongyang must not be ignored.

“Let’s work together to make our country, and our world, safer by passing this bipartisan bill.”

Related Issues: National Security, China, Cybersecurity, Back to Work, North Korea