
McConnell Urges Support for the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act

‘It’s legislation that would allow America to join the ranks of most civilized nations when it comes to protecting the most innocent and vulnerable of life.’

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor previewing the week ahead:

“I know many Americans are looking ahead to the visit of Pope Francis this week with great interest. Thousands will gather on the Capitol grounds for the chance to hear him speak. I think I can speak for every colleague when I say the Senate welcomes him warmly. We look forward to his visit.

“So it’s obviously going to be a busy week here in the Senate. That’s true of the legislative issues before us as well.


“One is government funding.

“Earlier this year, a new majority took office with a different outlook on government funding from the previous majority.

“We thought it made sense to actually pass a budget and then fund it.

“So we passed a budget, for the first time in 6 years.

“Then we passed all 12 appropriations bills through committee, for the first time in 6 years.

“Democratic colleagues voted for and praised appropriations bills in committee. Had we passed the 12 appropriations bills on the floor, it would have funded the government without the dramas of the past.

“But Democrats then changed their mind and decided to pursue a regrettable ‘Filibuster Summer’ strategy of blocking all government funding for months. Some blocked bills they had just praised, all with the aim of pushing Washington into another one of the manufactured crises they just can’t seem to shake.

“It’s truly unfortunate. But they’ve succeeded in making this the reality we now face, so we have to push forward — and we will.

“I’ll have more to say on the issue as the week progresses.

“Discussions on the best way forward are ongoing.

“Discussions about the character of our country continue as well.


“That’s why, tomorrow, we’ll take up a bill the House of Representatives has already passed. It’s legislation that would allow America to join the ranks of most civilized nations when it comes to protecting the most innocent and vulnerable of life.

“We, along with countries like North Korea, are one of just 7 nations to allow late-term elective abortions after 20 weeks — in other words, 5 months — when science and medical research tells us that unborn children can feel pain.

“As the father of three daughters, I find that both tragic and heartbreaking.

“Many Americans feel the same way.

“Polls show that both men and women support protections for innocent life at 5 months.

“I’m asking colleagues to open their hearts and work with us to help defend the defenseless. Help us pass the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.

“I’ll have more to say about this important bill before we take a vote on it tomorrow.”

Related Issues: Appropriations, Restoring the Senate, Senate Democrats, Defending Life