
McConnell Welcomes Prime Ministers Johnson and Morrison to the Capitol

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding his meeting with Prime Minister Johnson:

“This morning, I had the honor to meet with Prime Minister Johnson of the United Kingdom. Later today, I’ll meet with Prime Minister Morrison of Australia as well.

“Any day Congress has the opportunity to strengthen working relationships with two of our nation’s closest friends and allies is a good day, indeed.

“Our meetings today come at a time when our most important trans-Atlantic and trans-Pacific alliances are facing growing threats to collective security and prosperity.

“In the face of Russia’s meddling, China’s expansionism, a re-inflamed war on terror, and further threats to democracy and human rights around the world, the steady leadership of committed partners is more crucial than ever.

“So I specifically wanted to thank our friends in Australia and the United Kingdom for the years of loyal friendship that have underpinned coalition operations in Afghanistan and our joint efforts elsewhere to check the most pressing threats to our nations and to the kind of world that will help us thrive.

“And I’ll be reaffirming my own commitment that America must be the reliable, committed, and globally engaged ally our closest friends deserve.”
