
McConnell: Withholding Aid To Ukraine Emboldens Putin

‘Equipping Ukraine for battlefield success is the surest way to help our friends resolve this war from a position of strength. Backing Ukraine as it degrades our common adversary’s military also strengthens America’s interests. And investing in our own military and our own defense industrial capacity at the same time is common sense.’

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding Ukraine:

“This week, Vladimir Putin himself responded to reports of weakening Western resolve to stand with Ukraine and of ammunition shortages on the front lines. Here’s what Putin had to say:

“‘It would be ridiculous for us to start negotiating with Ukraine just because it’s running out of ammunition.’

“Mr. President, the chilling reality here is abundantly clear: Withholding critical weapons has not helped manage Putin’s escalation – it has only emboldened him. 

“The Administration that hesitated and wrung its hands through the early days of Russian escalation emboldened Putin.

“And it ought to be a lesson to those who insist – without firm footing in strategy or logic – that withholding lethal assistance would somehow hasten an acceptable negotiated settlement to the conflict.

“I’ve said too many times to count that America’s adversaries only speak the language of power. But our colleagues don’t have to take my word for it. Just take it straight from the dictator’s mouth!

“Vladimir Putin is not playing for a tie. He’s not headed to the negotiating table. He will not stop at Ukraine. He’s told us. And he’s shown us. Many times.

“Whether or not you’re willing to take the architect of a neo-Soviet empire at his word, the facts remain the same:

“Equipping Ukraine for battlefield success is the surest way to help our friends resolve this war from a position of strength.

“Backing Ukraine as it degrades our common adversary’s military also strengthens America’s interests.

“And investing in our own military and our own defense industrial capacity at the same time is common sense.

“It’s time for the House to take up the Senate-passed national security supplemental and finish the job.”


Related Issues: Russia, Ukraine