
More Judicial Nominees With Sterling Qualifications

‘[E]ach deserves to be confirmed by this body and take their place on the federal bench. Our friends across the aisle aren’t making it easy, but despite the historic obstruction, this Senate will continue to do what it takes to process and confirm the president’s fine nominees for these important posts.’

WASHINGTON, D.C.  U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding the president’s circuit court nominees, including the president’s nominee for the Seventh Court of Appeals, Michael Brennan:

“Today, the Senate continues our work to confirm President Trump’s well-qualified judicial nominees. Yesterday, we confirmed Kurt Engelhardt to the Fifth Circuit by a signficant bipartisan margin.

“The nominee now before us, Michael Brennan, is similarly qualified. His nomination carries bipartisan support from the people who know him best, including the endorsement of more than thirty current and former peers in Wisconsin. In the words of one such colleague, Mr. Brennan possesses -- quote -- ‘the mind, heart and soul of a great jurist.’

“Not too surprising, then, that the American Bar Association has awarded Mr. Brennan its highest rating -- unanimously well-qualified. I look forward to voting to confirm Mr. Brennan later today. And later, we’ll be voting to advance two more circuit court nominees: Joel Carson and John Nalbandian.

“Each possesses their own set of sterling qualifications. Each comes recommended widely by those who have worked closely with them. And each deserves to be confirmed by this body and take their place on the federal bench. Our friends across the aisle aren’t making it easy, but despite the historic obstruction, this Senate will continue to do what it takes to process and confirm the president’s fine nominees for these important posts.”

Related Issues: Judicial Nominations, Nominations