
Promise Kept: Senate Passes Obamacare Repeal Legislation

Bill Passes 52-47

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor today regarding passage of Obamacare repeal legislation:

“For years, the American people have been calling on Washington to build a bridge away from Obamacare. For years, Democrats prevented the Senate from passing legislation to do so. But in just a moment, that will change.

“It will be a victory for the Middle Class families who’ve endured this law’s pain for too long.

“On their medical choices. On the affordability of their care. On the availability of their doctors and hospitals. On the insurance they liked and wanted to keep.

“A new Senate that’s back on the side of the American people will vote to move beyond all the broken promises, all the higher costs, and all the failures. We will vote to build a bridge away from Obamacare and toward better care. We will vote for a new beginning.

“We hope the House will again do the same.

“And then, President Obama will have a choice.

“He can defend a status quo that’s failed the Middle Class by vetoing the bill, or he can work toward a new beginning and better care by signing it.”

Related Issues: Restoring the Senate, Obamacare, Health Care, Middle Class