
Reforms Necessary to End Needless Bureaucratic Delays on Infrastructure

‘But the answer is not simply to throw new money at old problems. It took American workers less time to build great skyscrapers, start to finish, than it now takes bureaucrats to review -- not even build, but review -- proposals for new bridges and roadways. We must streamline regulations, reform the permitting process, and get government out of the way wherever possible.’

WASHINGTON, D.C.  U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding the need to improve American infrastructure:

“On Monday, President Trump unveiled his proposal to improve America’s infrastructure. Today, he will host committee chairmen and ranking members at the White House for a bipartisan, bicameral meeting on the subject. I’m grateful the president is prioritizing this and reaching across the aisle.

“Experts agree that America’s aging infrastructure needs help. Nationwide, 9.1% of our bridges are considered structurally deficient. 13.6% are considered functionally obsolete. One recent study suggests that road congestion costs us $160B per year.

“But the answer is not simply to throw new money at old problems. It took American workers less time to build great skyscrapers, start to finish, than it now takes bureaucrats to review -- not even build, but review -- proposals for new bridges and roadways.

“We must streamline regulations, reform the permitting process, and get government out of the way wherever possible. Once projects are proposed, they should be reviewed in a safe but reasonable amount of time and then completed as quickly and cost-effectively as possible.

“This is a prime opportunity for bipartisan cooperation. Our last three highway bills, our last three WRDA bills, and our last three FAA bills all passed the Senate easily, averaging more than 80 votes. I hope that we can renew that consensus when the time comes.” 

Related Issues: Infrastructure