
Republican-Led Senate Passes Bipartisan Bill to Support Economic Opportunity

‘It’s good legislation that languished for years until a new Senate majority made it a renewed priority…Its passage represents the latest example of how the Senate is back to work for the American people.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor today regarding the Toxic Substances Control Act, the first major environmental reform in two decades:


“After months of hard work and collaboration between both chambers, last night we were able to pass the first major environmental reform bill in two decades.

“I know Bonnie Lautenberg has waited for this day for a very long time.

“The Lautenberg Act bears her husband’s name and will go a long way toward modernizing our nation’s chemical safety regulations.

“It will look out for public safety, enhance transparency, and help support manufacturing and our economy.

“It’s good legislation that languished for years until a new Senate majority made it a renewed priority. I want to thank Senators Inhofe and Vitter for all their work with Senators Udall and Markey to move this important measure forward.

“Its passage represents the latest example of how the Senate is back to work for the American people.”

Related Issues: Back to Work, Economy