
Restoring State Control Over Health Funding

‘On its way out the door, the Obama Administration issued a regulation that prohibited states from allocating certain health-prevention funds in the way that best serve local communities. It substituted Washington’s judgement for the needs of real people, controlling Americans’ access to health care services while hurting the community health centers that so many Americans — especially women — depend upon.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) made the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding a Congressional Review Act that would roll back an Obama-era regulation and help restore state control over health funding: 

“The Senate will soon act to prevent workers from being forced into risky government-run savings plans. Then we’ll turn our attention to an additional opportunity to protect the American people from executive overreach with another resolution under the Congressional Review Act.

“On its way out the door, the Obama Administration issued a regulation that prohibited states from allocating certain health-prevention funds in the way that best serve local communities. It substituted Washington’s judgement for the needs of real people, controlling Americans’ access to health care services while hurting the community health centers that so many Americans — especially women — depend upon. This regulation is an unnecessary restriction on states that know their residents’ own needs best.

“Fortunately, by sending the CRA resolution before us to the president’s desk, we can once again return power back to the people — and we’ll do so without decreasing funding for women’s health by a penny.

“I’d like to recognize my colleague Senator Ernst, who introduced the Senate companion to the House bill we’ll vote on, for her leadership on this important issue. I look forward to supporting it later today.”

Related Issues: Health Care, Congressional Review Act