
Senate Begins Wrap-Up of 114th Congress

‘We’ve got a lot to do, including approving several conference reports and funding the government.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor today regarding the Senate’s remaining work in 2016:

“Over the next few weeks, Senators will work to conclude the business of the 114th Congress as we begin looking forward to the 115th.

“We’ve got a lot to do, including approving several conference reports and funding the government.

“It’s good to see the respective committees making important progress on conference reports for the National Defense Authorization Act and the Water Resources Development Act.

“We’ll work with our counterparts in the House to consider each of those in the coming days and to send final bills to the president’s desk for signature.

"We’ll also take up the 21st Century Cures bill, which contains resources to promote medical research — including advancing regenerative medicine — among many other important provisions.

“Sometime soon, we also hope to take up the Iran Sanctions Extension Act, which provides underlying authorities necessary to re-impose sanctions, if called for, on the country which has continued to exhibit disturbing and aggressive behavior.

“And of course, we’ll work to pass a continuing resolution to fund the government.

“I would also like to note that my friend from Alaska, Senator Murkowski, is continuing her efforts to advance the Energy Policy Modernization Act, which passed the Senate with large bipartisan support earlier this year. As the chair of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, she’s been a champion of this critical bill and has never stopped working to move it forward.

“I appreciate her work in that capacity, as well as the many other members who have been leaders on each of the issues I just named. I would encourage colleagues on both sides to continue working together so that we can complete our work soon.”

Related Issues: Health Care, Iran, Energy, Budget, NDAA, Infrastructure