
Senate Considers Another Highly Qualified Judicial Nominee with Bipartisan Endorsements

‘The Senate will also vote later this afternoon to advance the nomination of Kyle Duncan of Louisiana to serve on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. Mr. Duncan’s legal credentials show the president has made another outstanding choice. With degrees from LSU and Columbia under his belt, he built an impressive record in litigation, rising to serve as Appellate Chief in Louisiana’s Office of Attorney General.’

WASHINGTON, D.C.  U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding the president’s nominee for the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, Kyle Duncan:

“The Senate will also vote later this afternoon to advance the nomination of Kyle Duncan of Louisiana to serve on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. Mr. Duncan’s legal credentials show the president has made another outstanding choice. With degrees from LSU and Columbia under his belt, he built an impressive record in litigation, rising to serve as Appellate Chief in Louisiana’s Office of Attorney General.  

“His accomplishments also extend to private practice, where his work earned the respect of his colleagues and peers -- including his opponents in court. A few weeks ago, a law professor and litigator who sparred with Mr. Duncan in a high-profile case wrote, quote, ‘Kyle Duncan is a magnificent nominee for the Fifth Circuit… His confirmation should be supported by all who value judges committed to fairness and scrupulous application of the law.’

“And a bipartisan group of current and former state solicitors general wrote to our colleagues on the Judiciary Committee to praise his nomination. They said, quote, ‘as frequent advocates in the U.S. Courts of Appeals, we are well-acquainted with the qualifications and characteristics that make good judges, including intellect, integrity, legal experience, and temperament, all of which Mr. Duncan possesses in ample quantities.’  

“They went on to say, quote, ‘we came to know him as a highly skilled lawyer with an easygoing demeanor, and as someone we could routinely turn to for advice and interest on issues of mutual interest.  Even though we have worked for state Attorneys General of differing political stripes, we all agree that Kyle Duncan has the personal and professional qualities that should typify the federal judiciary.’

“No wonder the American Bar Association’s Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary awarded Mr. Duncan its highest rating of ‘well-qualified.’ I urge every one of my colleagues to take his credentials, experience, and bipartisan support into account. Let’s vote to advance Mr. Duncan’s nomination this afternoon.”

Related Issues: Judicial Nominations, Nominations