
Senate Continues Work on Bipartisan Iran Sanctions Bill

‘Last week, the Senate voted on an overwhelmingly bipartisan basis to advance the Iran sanctions bill currently before us, and we’ll take another vote today to proceed to the bill.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) made the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding the Iran sanctions bill:

“Last week, the Senate voted on an overwhelmingly bipartisan basis to advance the Iran sanctions bill currently before us, and we’ll take another vote today to proceed to the bill. I want to thank the Chairs and Ranking Members of the Foreign Relations and Banking Committees, Chairman Corker and Chairman Crapo, for their efforts to craft additional and much-needed sanctions on Russia. I would encourage Members of both parties to keep working together so we can pass the critical Iran sanctions legislation very soon.”

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