
Senate Continues Work on Nominees, Budget, Tax Reform

‘As we advance that budget on the Senate floor this week, Senators on both sides of the aisle will have the opportunity to offer their input. I look forward to putting our finances on a better path with this budget, just as I look forward to continuing with the other important initiatives on the Senate’s fall agenda.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) made the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding the Senate’s fall agenda:

“As I discussed with the president and vice president at our working lunch today, the Senate has a full schedule of important work ahead of us. The Senate’s fall agenda includes confirming more nominees to the judiciary, administration and other important positions, and later today we will resume consideration of another nominee — Callista Gingrich, who has been nominated to serve as our Ambassador to the Vatican. That agenda includes providing continued assistance to communities affected by recent hurricanes, and we will process the president’s supplemental funding request to do just that.

“The Senate’s agenda also includes completing work on the budget resolution and advancing tax reform, two things that are critical to helping our economy finally realize its true potential after the stagnation of the last decade. This budget will be the next step to spurring growth in our economy. It provides a pathway to balance, it reins in federal spending, and it honors our commitments to Social Security and provides for the national defense.

“In addition to these important aspects of this budget, it will also provide the legislative tools to advance tax reform. As I’ve said before, tax reform is the single most important thing we can do today to get our economy moving again.

“We think taxes should be lower, simpler and fairer for middle-class workers — so Americans can keep more of their own hard-earned money in their paychecks. We think taxes should be reformed to end the perverse incentives that help keep American jobs andprofits offshore — so it’s easier to make and keep American jobs where they belong: in America. We think it’s time to take more money out of Washington’s pockets and put more in the pockets of America’s middle class. That’s why we know it’s time for tax reform.

“The tax-reform goals I just mentioned are shared by many – including the president, his team, Chairman Hatch and Chairman Enzi — and as I said, to get there, we first need to pass the budget before us. I would like to thank Chairman Enzi and the members of the Senate Budget Committee for all their work on it. As we advance that budget on the Senate floor this week, Senators on both sides of the aisle will have the opportunity to offer their input. I look forward to putting our finances on a better path with this budget, just as I look forward to continuing with the other important initiatives on the Senate’s fall agenda.”

Related Issues: Nominations, Taxes, Tax Reform, Budget, Economy