
Senate CR Would Fund Government, Not Planned Parenthood

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding the Continuing Resolution (CR) that would fund the government while protecting women’s health:

“I was struck by some things the Democratic Leader said this morning about funding the government.

“First he said it was not Democrats’ responsibility to work toward sensible solutions because, quote, ‘We’ve helped in any way we can, we’ve not held up anything procedurally.’

“That was just minutes before his party voted again to hold up a bill procedurally that would fund the military at a time of unprecedented international threats.

“Then, he said this: ‘We've made it clear that we're not going to proceed to appropriations bills.’ Talk about a mixed message.

“His party has crowed for months about its ‘Filibuster Summer’ strategy of blocking every last funding bill in the hopes of taking Americans to the brink. They’ve now succeeded in taking us there. They think it’s the only way to force America to accept their demands for more debt and more bureaucracy.

“But that’s not what Americans want. Americans want Democrats to now work with us responsibly to help our country get out of the situation they engineered.

“The bill before us would do that.

“It would keep the government funded through the fall while adhering to the bipartisan spending levels already agreed to by both parties.

“And, for one year, it would defund Planned Parenthood and protect women’s health by funding community health clinics with that $235 million instead. This would allow us to press the ‘pause’ button as we investigate the serious scandal surrounding Planned Parenthood.

“I know Democrats have already blocked virtually every bill to fund the government this year, but I’m asking them to allow the Senate to fund the government now.

“I know Democrats have relied on Planned Parenthood as a political ally, but they must be moved by the horrifying images we’ve seen. Can they not resolve to protect women’s health instead of powerful political friends?

“I’m not happy that we’ve been forced into pursuing a CR instead of the normal appropriations process.

“After all, for the first time in six years, a Senate under new leadership passed a budget.

“After all, for the first time in six years, a Senate under new leadership passed all 12 bills necessary to fund the government in committee.

“So it’s truly regrettable to see the actions of the party opposite that led us to this point.

“The bill before us now presents the best option to keep the government funded, to protect women’s health, and to press pause on funding for a scandal-plagued organization as we investigate further into some truly shocking allegations.”

Related Issues: Defending Life, Appropriations, Senate Democrats