
Senate Nears Completion of Fiscally Responsible, Multi-Year Highway Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding the bipartisan DRIVE Act:

“‘There is no such thing as a Republican road or a Democrat road.’

“That’s what Chairman Inhofe said just a few days ago, and he’s right. No wonder Republicans and Democrats continue to rally around a bipartisan, multi-year highway measure that's fiscally responsible and won’t raise taxes.

“The bill before us would streamline regulations, advance research and innovation in transportation, modernize infrastructure and transportation systems, and inject new accountability measures so Americans can get a better handle on how their tax money is actually being spent.

“This multi-year bill also reverses the trend of short-term temporary patches, giving state and local governments the certainty and stability they need to better plan road and bridge projects. On top of that, the bill would also provide state and local governments with more flexible options for stretching those transportation dollars too.

“So this is a good bill for our country. Substantial numbers of Republicans and Democrats continue to support it.

“But time is running out to get this bill through Congress. We’re up against a deadline at the end of week.

“Jobs are on the line.

“Important infrastructure projects are too.

“So we have to get the job done — and we are.

“We’ve had to navigate some especially difficult political terrain to get this far already. It hasn’t always been easy. But we’re now nearing completion of the Senate’s work on this bill.

“If the bipartisan coalition supporting this fiscally responsible, multi-year bill continues to cooperate and work hard, I know we’ll get there.

“I want to thank every colleague who’s worked so hard already on this bill, including both Chairman Inhofe and Ranking Member Boxer.”

Related Issues: Highway Bill