
Senate Republicans Won’t Let These Far-Left Dreams Get in the Way of Progress for Middle-Class Families

‘This week, I’ve been discussing the stark contrast between the remarkable opportunity economy that Republican policies have helped unlock for the middle class and my Democratic colleagues’ hard turn toward far-left ideas that would stifle the progress.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) made the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding the benefits Americans continue to see from the Republican pro-opportunity, pro-growth agenda:

“This week, I’ve been discussing the stark contrast between the remarkable opportunity economy that Republican policies have helped unlock for the middle class and my Democratic colleagues’ hard turn toward far-left ideas that would stifle the progress. My colleagues across the aisle, particularly over in the House, have given top billing to legislation that would end Medicare as seniors know it, eliminate every private healthcare plan American families have chosen to meet their needs, and replace all of it with a one-size-fits-all, government-run insurance system while piling heavy tax increases on the middle class.

“And of course, they’ve touted a proposal to drop an anvil on a high-speed U.S. economy and shove a host of new federal rules between American citizens and their everyday life choices. All in the name of going ‘green.’ Now, most of my colleagues across the aisle know full-well what would happen if the supposed ‘Green New Deal’ became reality.

“They know what winding down our affordable forms of domestic energy – and the millions of jobs that support their production – would do to a U.S. economy that’s firing on all cylinders. They know what turning families’ own choices about where to live, what to drive, and how to make a living into Washington D.C.’s official business would mean for the historic levels of job opportunities and the wage growth that we’ve seen over the past two years.

“Remember, my Democratic colleagues tried to claim this outlandish proposal was just a conversation-starter from the farthest-left fringes. But then, push came to shove. Then the American people really saw the score. Because we brought the thing up for a vote, right here on the floor, and only four of 47 Senate Democrats actually voted ‘no’. 43 of our 47 Democratic colleagues couldn’t bring themselves to vote against even this.

“Not even as Republican policies, taking the exact opposite approach, have helped the U.S. job market drive unemployment lower than it’s been in half a century. Not even as 19 different states have hit new, record-low state unemployment rates in just the year and a half since Republicans passed comprehensive tax reform. Well, I have good news for the American people. This Republican majority is going to keep fighting for you. We won’t let these far-left dreams get in the way of more progress for middle-class families.”

Related Issues: Senate Democrats, Jobs, Health Care, Middle Class, Economy