
Senate Set to Confirm NLRB Nominee

‘A new majority on the NLRB can begin to undo this severe damage and restore the board’s neutrality. Confirming the nominee before us today, William Emanuel, is sure to mark a turning point in the NLRB’s direction. His experience in labor law is deep, his credentials are impressive, and his confirmation will finally allow the NLRB to return it to its important work with a full slate of Senate-confirmed board members — for the first time since 2015.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) made the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding the president’s nominee for the National Labor Relations Board, William Emanuel:

“For more than 80 years, the NLRB has been responsible for the impartial resolution of labor disputes and for ensuring stable labor relations. Under the board majority appointed by the Obama Administration, however, the NLRB moved from fair administrator of the law to partisan activist — one that put left-wing ideology, deep-pocketed union bosses, and other special interest friends ahead of middle-class workers.

“It pursued an ‘ambush election’ rule that would weaken workers’ rights. It implemented a ‘joint employer’ mandate that would disadvantage small businesses. The list goes on, and the Obama Administration pulled out every stop to get its way on the board too — everything from illegally appointing its members to refusing to allow a Republican vacancy to be filled for nearly two years.

“A new majority on the NLRB can begin to undo this severe damage and restore the board’s neutrality. Confirming the nominee before us today, William Emanuel, is sure to mark a turning point in the NLRB’s direction. His experience in labor law is deep, his credentials are impressive, and his confirmation will finally allow the NLRB to return it to its important work with a full slate of Senate-confirmed board members — for the first time since 2015.

“The National Labor Relations Board is supposed to be a neutral umpire in labor disputes. It’s time it got back to that important mission. Confirming Mr. Emanuel today will allow it to do so.”

Related Issues: Nominations, Labor