
Senate Should Focus on Bipartisan Work, Not “Designed-To-Fail” Partisan Antics

“Senate Democrats weren’t out to pass any legislation this month. Their designed-to-fail agenda was supposed to indicate that the institution of the Senate itself was somehow broken. And on this count, our friends across the aisle failed spectacularly.”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding the Democratic Leader’s “designed to fail” agenda:

“As the Senate headed into the June work period, the Democratic Leader laid out an agenda that was transparently designed to fail: a string of far-left proposals that were not intended to become law or make a difference in the lives of the American people.

“They were designed to fail and provide political theater for liberal activists.

“And sure enough – the Senate did reject Democrats’ brazen attempt to rewrite the rules of American elections permanently to their own advantage.

“We did reject their bid to exploit the cause of paycheck fairness to fill the pockets of the trial bar.

“And other radical proposals, like the one to impose crushing legal penalties on organizations that fail to conform to left-wing social preferences, didn’t even make it to the floor.

“But let’s remember: this was never just about policy. If our colleagues actually believed that the substance of their plans was viable, they would have submitted more of it to scrutiny in committee.

“We know how things work in this body when a narrow majority actually wants to make law. That’s not what we’ve seen.

“No. Senate Democrats weren’t out to pass any legislation this month. Their designed-to-fail agenda was supposed to indicate that the institution of the Senate itself was somehow broken.

“And on this count, our friends across the aisle failed spectacularly

“See, the framers designed this upper chamber to be a proving ground. A place where good ideas would rise to meet high standards, and bad ones would fall flat. So, this month, our Democratic colleagues proved that the Senate is working quite well.

“We turned away an underhanded attempt to open American employers to a new form of unlimited predatory liability, and a hostile takeover of our election system. And the whole time, productive work continued on bipartisan proposals that actually are intended to become law.

“From infrastructure to agriculture, many of our colleagues have been hard at work demonstrating the right way to go about legislating.

“In the Commerce and EPW committees, they’ve approved smart legislation with wide, bipartisan votes.

“This morning on the floor, we considered another bill from Senator Braun that more than half of our colleagues cosponsored.

“So as we head back to our home states and take time to celebrate our nation’s founding, let’s double down on efforts like these and leave designed-to-fail partisan antics in June.”

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