
Senate Should Not Confirm a Veteran of the Job-Killing War on Coal

‘This week, the Senate is set to vote on President Biden’s nominee to be Deputy Administrator of the EPA… Ms. McCabe is set to join an administration whose job-killing policies would make the Obama EPA blush.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding infrastructure: 

“This week, the Senate is set to vote on President Biden’s nominee to be Deputy Administrator of the EPA. 

“The nominee needs no introduction for my fellow Kentuckians and our neighbors in coal country. But for those less familiar: Janet McCabe was the chief author of the “Clean Power Plan” that President Obama unveiled in 2015 

“Well, six years and thousands of coal industry jobs later, Ms. McCabe is set to join an administration whose job-killing policies would make the Obama EPA blush. 

“Of course, President Biden’s war on coal predates his administration. Back in 2008, as a candidate for the vice-presidency, he insisted there would be ‘no coal plants here in America. Build them, if they’re going to build them, over there.

“Sadly, this was one area where the Obama administration more or less kept its promises. It was a terrible time to be a working American whose livelihood the Democrats disliked.

“But our new President’s leftward sprint is set to make those bad old days merely the warm-up act.

“Remember: rejoining the Paris climate agreement was a Day One priority for his administration. 

“The unenforceable deal whose own signatories largely ignored their “commitments” for the past five years. The deal that proved unable to keep China from significantly increasing its greenhouse gas emissions and proved unnecessary for the United States to decrease our own. 

“But despite it all, the Administration is rushing back in, to signal virtue on the international stage.

“Here at home, they’re rolling out policy after policy that would cost working American families dearly.

“The President signed away thousands of jobs by cancelling the Keystone XL pipeline. The authors of the Green New Deal boast about the radical social engineering they’ve seeded into the Administration’s legislative proposals.

“The “infrastructure” plan they’ve rolled out would pick winners and losers in auto manufacturing and aim to purge the electric grid of the most reliable and affordable forms of domestic power.

“Of course, despite it all, Carbon emissions don’t respect national boundaries.

“So all the unilateral sacrifices this Administration is eager to impose on blue-collar families won’t make a dent in global emissions if our adversaries just keep roaring past us.

“And now, the Biden Climate Team is hoping to add a proven veteran from the War on Coal.

“This President campaigned suggesting that he wouldn’t owe the far left anything. But he is choosing to govern like he owes them everything. 

“I’ll oppose the McCabe nomination, and urge my colleagues to do the same.”

Related Issues: Green New Deal, Keystone XL Pipeline, EPA, China, Coal