
Senate to Confirm Another Well-Qualified Judge

‘Each nominee on the slate has been vetted by the Judiciary Committee. And each stands ready to serve as a diligent caretaker of the rule of law. Considering and confirming judicial nominees is one of the most important functions of the Senate. We will keep taking care of the people’s business.’

WASHINGTON, D.C.  U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding the president’s circuit court nominees, including the president’s nominee for the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, Kurt Engelhardt:

“This week the Senate is in the midst of processing six well-qualified nominees for the federal bench. We’ve voted to invoke cloture on the nomination of Judge Kurt Engelhardt, and today, we’ll vote to confirm him.

“Given his impressive qualifications, Judge Engelhardt’s arrival on the bench won’t come a moment too soon. Lawyers have described him as ‘a wonderful judge’ with ‘excellent legal ability’ who is ‘very thoughtful and analytical.’ One said, quote, ‘[he] would be great on the Fifth Circuit.’ After Judge Engelhardt, we’ll vote to advance the nomination of Michael Brennan of Wisconsin, another nominee who has earned the ABA’s highest rating of unanimously well-qualified.

“Each nominee on the slate has been vetted by the Judiciary Committee. And each stands ready to serve as a diligent caretaker of the rule of law. Considering and confirming judicial nominees is one of the most important functions of the Senate. We will keep taking care of the people’s business.”

Related Issues: Judicial Nominations, Nominations