
Senate to Debate Bipartisan Bill Requiring Congressional Approval of Any Agreement with Iran

‘Congress must be involved in reviewing and voting on an agreement reached between this White House and Iran. This bill would ensures it does.’

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding bipartisan legislation that would allow Congress to review and vote on any agreement with Iran:

“This morning, Prime Minister Netanyahu laid out the threat posed by a nuclear Iran in clear terms— not just to Israel, not just to the United States, but to the entire world.

“He reminded us that no deal with Iran is better than a bad deal with Iran.

“That seems to run counter to the Obama Administration’s thinking on the issue, which is worrying enough.

“What’s also worrying is its seeming determination to pursue a deal on its own, without the input of the people’s elected representatives.

“Remember, it was Congress that helped bring Iran to the table by putting sanctions in place, against the wishes of the Administration.

“Congress was right then. And Congress and the American people need to be part of this discussion too.

“That’s why I’m acting to place this bipartisan bill on the legislative calendar.

“It’s legislation crafted by members of both parties that would ensure the American people have a say in any deal too.

“Senators Corker, Graham and others worked on similar legislation, and they will mark that bill up in committee.

“Congress must be involved in reviewing and voting on an agreement reached between this White House and Iran. This bill would ensure it does.”

Related Issues: Iran Nuclear Deal, National Security, Restoring the Senate, Israel, Iran