
Senate to Pass New Sanctions Holding Iran, Russia Accountable

‘As I said earlier this week, this Iran and Russia sanctions agreement reflects good, bipartisan work, and I want to thank Senators on both sides of the aisle for coming together to codify and strengthen existing sanctions. Let’s come together again now and pass these sanctions.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) made the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding the Iran sanctions bill and the Russia amendment: 

“The Senate today will take a final vote on the bipartisan first step to hold Iran and Russia accountable. This follows overwhelmingly bipartisan action yesterday to approve the Russia sanctions amendment, an effort that would not have been possible without the good work of our Foreign Relations Chairman, Senator Corker, and our Banking Chair, Senator Crapo, and their Ranking Members.

“After eight years of failed foreign policy under the Obama Administration — eight years of following the Obama Administration’s preferred strategy of drawing down both our forces and commitments — we must take a stronger stance in deterring Iran and holding its regime accountable for its actions and addressing Russia’s years-long pattern of provocations.

“These sanctions, which are just one of our foreign policy tools, will only work as part of a broader effort to rebuild our military force structure and combat readiness in order to send a strong signal to friend and foe alike. The United States should no longer stand by and allow threats like these to go unaddressed. And when the administration completes its series of strategic reviews, I will look forward to hearing from the president and his advisers their recommendation for countering Iran’s malign conduct across the broader Middle East and their recommendations for countering Russia’s persistent efforts to undermine NATO.

“As I said earlier this week, this Iran and Russia sanctions agreement reflects good, bipartisan work, and I want to thank Senators on both sides of the aisle for coming together to codify and strengthen existing sanctions. Let’s come together again now and pass these sanctions later this morning.”

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