
Senate to Vote on Bipartisan Bill to Permanently Protect Families from Taxes on Their Internet Access

‘Congress has since voted eight times to reauthorize that temporary relief — and now it’s time to make it permanent.’

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor today regarding the bipartisan Internet Tax Freedom Forever Act and Customs conference report:

“I think many Americans would agree with this statement: The Internet should remain open and free — politicians should certainly not try to tax it.

“Congress passed a temporary ban on Internet taxes in 1998. It was an important, bipartisan win for the American people. Congress has since voted eight times to reauthorize that temporary relief — and now it’s time to make it permanent.

“The bipartisan Internet Tax Freedom Forever Act has 51 cosponsors.

“It was introduced by the top Republican on the Commerce Committee and the top Democrat on the Finance Committee.

“And in my office, we’ve received many messages from Kentuckians who support it.

“Here’s what the bipartisan Internet Tax Freedom Forever Act would do:

• Ensure any existing Internet taxes are phased out — permanently.
• Ensure any new attempts to tax the Internet are prohibited — permanently.
• Ensure Americans’ access to information and online communication remains open and free — permanently.

“The House already passed common-sense, bipartisan legislation to make the ban on Internet taxes permanent. It’s time the Senate did too. The action I’m about to take will allow us to have that chance on Thursday.”

Related Issues: Taxes