
Senate Will Vote Today on VA and Military Construction Funding

‘It’s obvious why our veterans deserve this bill now. So let’s not wait a moment longer. Let’s pass this important legislation today. The men and women who’ve worn our uniform have had to wait long enough for it already.’

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor today regarding the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Act:

“The veterans funding bill before us is the result of great work by another champion of veterans: Senator Kirk, Chair of the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Subcommittee.

“Just like Senator Isakson’s Veteran’s Affairs Committee, the subcommittee led by the Senator from Illinois has been doing great work for veterans — and has sent important legislation to the floor.

“We’ll pass one important measure today.

“Senator Kirk’s bill would fund the health care and the benefits our veterans rely on.

“It would support military families by funding the housing, schools, and health facilities that sustain them.

“It would provide support for medical research, for women’s health, and for veterans suffering from traumatic brain injury.

“And in Kentucky, it would provide funding for a special operations headquarters at Fort Campbell, for educational facilities at Fort Knox, and for design work for a new V.A. Medical Center in Louisville.

“Senator Kirk’s bill would also fund reforms designed to help address the crises we’ve seen at the V.A. These reforms would allow for greater national and regional progress in reducing claims backlogs, and they would deploy important protections for whistleblowers too.

“It’s obvious why our veterans deserve this bill now. So let’s not wait a moment longer. Let’s pass this important legislation today.

“The men and women who’ve worn our uniform have had to wait long enough for it already.”

Related Issues: Veterans, America's Military, Appropriations