
Seven Years Of Obamacare’s Broken Promises

‘The legislation currently before the House will help bring relief. It will repeal and replace Obamacare, which is exactly what we promised the American people we would do. Instead of forcing Americans to buy something they may not want, like Obamacare does, this bill will give Americans the freedom to choose what type of coverage is right for them.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) made the following remarks on the Senate floor today regarding the urgent need to repeal and replace Obamacare:

“Today marks the seventh anniversary of Obamacare becoming law.  In the years since, millions of Americans lost their plans and their doctors. They saw the costs of their premiums and deductibles soar. They watched their choices disappear as insurers were forced out of the marketplace.

“Former-President Bill Clinton called Obamacare ‘the craziest thing in the world.’  He’s right.  It’s a direct attack on the middle class.  These failed policies are affecting real people every day. Americans expected the law to deliver on its promises, but instead, they paid more and received less.

“Obamacare has been a flawed system from the start, and over the past seven years, things have gotten progressively worse. Our nation cannot continue on this trajectory as Obamacare continues to unravel at every level, leaving Americans to pick up the pieces.  On this seventh anniversary of Obamacare’s enactment, Americans deserve a better way forward. And, thankfully, we finally have a Congress and a president who are committed to delivering much-needed reform.

“The legislation currently before the House will help bring relief. It will repeal and replace Obamacare, which is exactly what we promised the American people we would do.  Instead of forcing Americans to buy something they may not want, like Obamacare does, this bill will give Americans the freedom to choose what type of coverage is right for them.

“I look forward to the House passing that bill soon. And we look forward to taking it up in the Senate where there will be a robust amendment process. And then, I look forward to collaborating with my colleagues to pass it.  It’s important, however, to remember that this bill is only one part of our three-prong strategy to bring relief.  The administration is already working to fix the damage seven years of Obamacare has done to health markets across the country.  And, we will continue to consider further legislation in Congress to bring more competition and reform.

“It’s time to move on from seven years of Obamacare’s broken promises and unyielding attacks on the middle class. The status quo is not an option. So let’s work together to get this done.”

Related Issues: Health Care, Obamacare