
The Senate Will Not Let Unhinged Tactics Replace Reasoned Judgment

'Americans with strong opinions on both sides of last week’s debate spoke up in a civil, respectful way, and our nation was better for it. But only one side was happy to play host to this toxic fringe behavior. Only one side’s leaders are now openly calling for more. They haven’t seen enough. They want more. And I’m afraid this is only phase one of the meltdown. We’re already seeing desperate voices on the far left explain that, because they lost this fight, even more drastic steps are in order.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding the current political climate in America:

“With the bipartisan progress the Senate has made this week, it’s hard to believe what was happening just a few days ago, inside and outside these hallways. It’s hard to believe it was less than a week ago that far-left protesters were storming the steps of the Capitol and the Supreme Court, running my colleagues out of public places and attempting to shout over their voices right here in the Senate chamber. Of course, it didn’t work. The Senate stood tall and did the right thing.

“But the far left isn’t done yet. If we take them at their word, this may have only been the warm-up act. Here’s the advice former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave to her fellow Democrats a few days ago: ‘If we are fortunate enough to win back the House and/or the Senate, that’s when civility can start again.’

“Just yesterday, we saw President Obama’s attorney general Eric Holder offer his own version of a slogan made famous by our former First Lady, Michelle Obama. Here’s Mr. Holder’s new vision for civil discourse. Here’s how he urged Democrats to treat the other side: ‘Michelle always says, “When they go low, we go high.” No. No. When they go low, we kick ‘em. That’s what this new Democratic Party is about.’ The new Democratic Party. Remember, these comments come less than a year and a half after Republican members of the House and the Senate were literally shot at by a politically crazed gunman. Our colleagues were nearly killed, just a few minutes from the Capitol.

“Just these past days, there have been graphic death threats. Senators and staff have needed extraordinary police protection. And Democrats are calling for more incivility and more rage? Look – there isn’t a firmer defender of the First Amendment than me. It is vital that citizens be heard. Americans with strong opinions on both sides of last week’s debate spoke up in a civil, respectful way, and our nation was better for it. But only one side was happy to play host to this toxic fringe behavior. Only one side’s leaders are now openly calling for more. They haven’t seen enough. They want more. And I’m afraid this is only phase one of the meltdown. We’re already seeing desperate voices on the far left explain that, because they lost this fight, even more drastic steps are in order.

“There’s crazy talk about impeaching Justice Kavanaugh. There are left-wing writers demanding that Democrats pack the Court -- a zombie idea from the 1930s they’ve dug up just in time for Halloween. And how about this: One columnist for a national newspaper called the result a coup -- a coup -- and implied that the founders got it wrong and designed the Senate incorrectly. They want to rewrite the Constitution? The founding fathers got it wrong?

“Handling defeat badly is one thing. But regretting the Constitution itself because you don’t like how a vote turned out? That’s something else. But I guess it’s not entirely surprising, given the outright embrace by many on the left—including elected officials—of radical concepts like open borders and socialism.

“Well, anyone who thinks that intimidation and scare tactics might rule the day must have missed the Senate’s vote last Saturday. Maybe they weren’t tuned in. This body will not let unhinged tactics replace reasoned judgment. We will not let mob behavior drown out all the Americans who want to legitimately participate in the policymaking process – on all sides. And the Senate  – I assure you – will not be intimidated.”



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