
Trade Promotion Authority Enhances Congressional Role in Trade Agreements

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding Trade Promotion Authority legislation:

“Last night, we saw the latest example of committees getting back to work in a new Congress that's back to work for the American people.

“The Finance Committee passed an important bipartisan bill, Trade Promotion Authority, with broad support from both parties: 20 to 6.

“The Chairman and Ranking Members of that Committee, Senators Hatch and Wyden, worked hard to achieve the result we saw last night. Along with Chairman Ryan in the House, they put together an agreement that reflects the kind of honest compromise they can take pride in.

“It protects and enhances the role of Congress in the trade negotiating process, while ensuring that Presidents of either political party will be able to negotiate good agreements that can boost growth in our economy and support more high-quality American jobs.

“Now this bipartisan bill will move to the Senate floor, and it's my hope to pass it during the current work period.”

Related Issues: Trade Promotion Authority, Free Trade