
Transportation Bill Would Fund Roads, Highways, Bridges Without Raising Taxes or Increasing Deficit

‘This bipartisan bill would fund our roads, highways, and bridges for longer than any transportation bill considered by Congress in a decade — and the highway proposal will do so without increasing taxes or adding to the deficit.’

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding the bipartisan transportation bill:

“There are a lot of tired clichés about not giving up after an initial setback. I won't subject you to any of them this morning.

“But I will say that last night's vote represents an important first step toward passing a multi-year, bipartisan highway bill.

“It’s a first step on a much longer road — but, in my view, a worthwhile one.

“This bipartisan bill would fund our roads, highways, and bridges for longer than any transportation bill considered by Congress in a decade — and the highway proposal will do so without increasing taxes or adding to the deficit.

“That's no small achievement.

“Just consider what the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget had to say about this bill.

“It’s ‘refreshing,’ they said, to see Congress focusing ‘on a multi-year solution instead of just another short-term patch.’ And in general, their overall view was that this is ‘a fiscally responsible bill that relies on some pretty solid offsets.’

“Positive comments like these echo the kinds of things I continue to hear from members in both parties.

“I’d like to thank the Senator from California and the other members on her side who worked with us to help prepare this bill, and then voted with us to advance it last night.

“I hope we'll continue to work together to finally deliver a fiscally responsible, long-term highway bill for the American people.”

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