
United States Capitol Police Medal of Honor Ceremony

‘When a law enforcement officer walks out the door, they never know for sure what a day could bring. Neither do their families. And yet, they walk out the door just the same. Because, for them, what they do here is more than just a job or a career — it’s a calling. We are so grateful that they do.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. Leaders of the U.S. House and Senate participated in a Medal of Honor ceremony honoring the United States Capitol Police. The following are U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s remarks delivered during the ceremony, which took place in the U.S. Capitol:

Today is another chance for each of us to both recognize and thank the men and women of our Capitol Police force for everything they do to protect our nation’s Capitol, the people who work here, and the millions who visit this important symbol of our democracy. The United States Capitol Police stand as constant guards, routinely putting service before self. They are deserving of our deepest respect. They have earned our unyielding gratitude.

“Each and every day, I have the opportunity to interact with these law enforcement officers. They always exhibit professionalism, diligence, and service. I have had the privilege of working with some of them for many years. I know them, and I am incredibly thankful to each of them for their dedication. 

“In addition to Capitol Police, we are also pleased to honor the many other law enforcement agencies that responded to that Alexandria park on June 14th when our own members and staff were under attack. These men and women we’re honoring today ran toward the threat and stopped it, and we can’t ever thank you enough.

“When most of us leave home for work on a given day, we have any number of things on our mind: meetings, deadlines, tasks we need to get done. When a law enforcement officer walks out the door, they never know for sure what a day could bring. Neither do their families. And yet, they walk out the door just the same. Because, for them, what they do here is more than just a job or a career — it’s a calling. We are so grateful that they do.

“To underline the point, one need only say this: It’s so great to see Representative Scalise here with us today, along with the other members and staff who were on the field too. And truly, what a blessing that is. The men and women of law enforcement go out each day to face the unknown, to help and assist people in their community, to confront challenges that others would not. Why do they do it? Courage. Duty. Honor. That’s what I think.

“On behalf of the Senate family and the Capitol community, I would like to once again share a simple message with the men and women of the United States Capitol Police and the Alexandria Police Department for their heroic efforts that day. Simple though it may be, it is sincere — and it is enduring: Thank you. “