
U.S. Must Stand Strong With Israel in the Face of “Inexcusable” Attacks

‘Israel must know that their friends and allies here in the United States stand with them as they seek to restore deterrence. That we support their right to peace and security. And that we will not relax our efforts to hold terrorists and terrorists’ supporters to account.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding the attacks on Israel:

“Yet again, air-raid sirens have been sounding in Israel. Israeli civilians have been huddling in basements, shelters, and hospital stairwells.

“Hamas rocket attacks are lighting up the skies, hitting buildings, and terrorizing, injuring, and killing innocent people.

“Of course, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad receive significant support from Iran.

“Fortunately, a remarkable percentage of the incoming rockets have been intercepted in mid-air by Israel’s Iron Dome system.

“Americans should take some pride of our own in our friends’ high-tech defenses, which we’ve helped Israel bring online, and have advanced our own joint missile defense efforts.

“Missile defense is expensive but vital. It’s yet another reason I’m concerned with this Administration’s intention to under-fund defense.

“Whatever complaints Palestinians have with Israel’s government, wanton violence against civilians is completely inexcusable. This is barbaric terrorism, not legitimate protest. 

“Nor is it legitimate for Israel’s obsessive critics to suggest any equivalency between these inexcusable attacks and Israel’s measured and targeted response against terrorists.

“Yesterday, here in Washington, street protestors screamed ‘Israel is a terrorist state.’ Some Democratic members of Congress echoed that rhetoric almost exactly.

“The state of Israel has every right of self-defense. Its national security leaders have continued to display restraint, and invest so much in precision and avoiding civilian casualties.

“Israel must know that their friends and allies here in the United States stand with them as they seek to restore deterrence. That we support their right to peace and security. And that we will not relax our efforts to hold terrorists and terrorists’ supporters to account.”

Related Issues: Israel, Iran