
‘With This Tax Reform Plan, The American People Will Know That Relief Is On The Way’

‘Today, Chairman Hatch will lay out his legislative proposal for tax reform. It’s the product of a lot of hard work, dozens of hearings and member input, and I look forward to its release later today. The release of this plan is another critical step toward providing relief to the middle class.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) made the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding congressional tax reform efforts:

Today, Chairman Hatch will lay out his legislative proposal for tax reform. It’s the product of a lot of hard work, dozens of hearings and member input, and I look forward to its release later today. The release of this plan is another critical step toward providing relief to the middle class. Once it’s unveiled, the proposal will go through regular order in the Committee. Senators on both sides will have the opportunity to offer amendments, and work together to help hardworking families in our country.

“This is our once-in-a-generation opportunity to lower taxes and shift the economy into high gear. In fact, tax reform represents the single most important thing we can do to spur growth and help American families. With this tax reform plan, the American people will know that relief is on the way. For you and your family, we want to make taxes lower, simpler, and fairer. For small businesses, we want to make it easier to navigate the tax code, grow, and hire workers. And for all businesses, we want to make it an easy decision for them to bring investment and jobs home and keep them here.

“As the Finance Committee continues its work on tax reform, both Republicans and Democrats will have the chance to offer their own ideas to make the bill better.  I certainly hope they take it. This process isn’t behind closed doors.  It’s out in the open for everyone to see and for everyone to take part. The House Ways and Means Committee is expected to finish their work on their legislative proposal soon. Under Chairman Brady’s leadership, they put in a lot of good work.

“I look forward to continuing to work with colleagues in both the House and the Senate along with President Trump and his team on our mutual tax reform goals. And our main goal is this: we want to take more money out of Washington’s pockets and put more money in the pockets of the middle class.  

“In addition to the great work being done by Chairman Hatch in the Finance Committee, the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee under the leadership of Chairman Murkowski is taking important steps as well. The recent budget resolution gave the Committee instructions to generate a billion dollars of new revenue for the federal government. The Committee has now unveiled legislation to do just that by further developing the oil and gas potential in Alaska in an environmentally responsible way. Their good efforts can produce important benefits to both the people of Alaska and to our entire country.


“I would like to commend Chairman Murkowski for her efforts to support our nation’s energy security. This plan is a limited, responsible effort that can result in new jobs, a strong source of energy, and a boost to our economy – all while being responsible stewards of Alaska’s environment. I look forward to the Committee reporting this legislation next week. The Senate has many important items before it. Let’s work together to get them done, fulfilling our commitments to the American people.” 

Related Issues: Taxes, Tax Reform, Economy