
A Bipartisan ‘Passenger-Friendly’ FAA Bill

 Unanimously Approved In Committee, FAA Bill ‘Contains Numerous Pro-Consumer Provisions’

SEN. JOHN THUNE (R-SD), Commerce Committee Chairman: “Passage of this bipartisan legislation is a win for airline passenger rights, advancing responsible drone usage, boosting the competitiveness of the aerospace industry, and making our skies safe.” (Senate Commerce, Science, & Transportation Committee, Press Release, 3/16/2016)

SEN. BILL NELSON (D-FL), Commerce Committee Ranking Member: “It’s really encouraging to see the FAA bill pass and have such bipartisan support. . . There are some good provisions in it that will help consumers and improve drone safety.” (Senate Commerce, Science, & Transportation Committee, Press Release, 3/16/2016)


One Of The Most Passenger-Friendly Federal Aviation Administration Reauthorization Bills In A Generation’

“A U.S. Senate committee on Wednesday approved a bill mandating a big shift in how airlines treat passengers and the way aircraft are certified, while opening the door to enhanced screening of pilots with possible mental-health problems.” (“Senate Committee Approves FAA Reauthorization Bill,” The Wall Street Journal, 3/16/2016)

“The government would standardize the way airlines disclose fees for basic services like checked bags, seat assignments and ticket changes so that passengers can more easily comparison-shop the full cost of flights under a bipartisan Senate bill introduced Wednesday.” (“Bill Would Standardize The Way Airlines Disclose Fees,” The Associated Press, 3/09/2016)

  • “The measure includes requirements for airlines to refund customers for lost or delayed baggage, new standardized fee disclosures, and added protections for disabled passengers.” (Morning Consult, 3/16/2016)
  • “The bill would require the Department of Transportation develop a way to display fees that's easy for consumers to understand and require that airlines and ticket agents use the system. . .  Airlines would also have to return fees for bags that are lost or delayed more than six hours after the arrival of a domestic flight, and more than 12 hours after the arrival of an international flight under the bill. Airlines would also be required to automatically refund fees for services purchased but not received by passengers. Examples would include things like advance seat assignments that turn out to be unavailable or early boarding that isn't provided.” (“Bill Would Standardize The Way Airlines Disclose Fees,” The Associated Press, 3/09/2016)

“[T]he Senate released one of the most passenger-friendly Federal Aviation Administration reauthorization bills in a generation.” (Christopher Elliott, “More Legroom? Fewer Surprise Fees? Wave Of Consumer-Friendly Legislation Gives Travelers New Hope.,” The Washington Post, 3/16/2016)


Back To Work: FAA Bill Passed Unanimously Out Of Commerce Committee

SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “The FAA Reauthorization Act before us is the result of a collaborative committee process. It shows what’s possible with a Senate that’s back to work and back to regular order. In this case, the Commerce Committee held a series of seven hearings to guide and inform its deliberations throughout this process. . . . [A]t the end of the day, members of both parties were able to agree on bipartisan legislation that passed committee on a voice vote.” (Sen. McConnell, Press Release, 4/05/2016)

From the get-go, the goal for the Senate Commerce Committee was clear — write a reauthorization bill for the Federal Aviation Administration that could pass. They succeeded Wednesday with a unanimous vote for a bill that would authorize funding for the agency through September 2017.” (Morning Consult, 3/16/2016)




Related Issues: Restoring the Senate, Back to Work, FAA