
‘A Pro-Growth, Pro-Family Proposal That Will Reduce Taxes’

Conservative Groups Say Senate Tax Reform Plan ‘Simplifies The Code, Reduces Taxes For Families And Businesses, And Grows The Economy’

AMERICANS FOR TAX REFORM: “The Senate’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is a pro-growth, pro-family proposal that will reduce taxes on Americans at every income level and dramatically simplify the 70,000+ page tax code. It will also provide a much-needed overhaul to the outdated tax code so that businesses large and small will again be able to compete against foreign competitors and create jobs across the country.” (“Senators Should Support the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act,” Americans for Tax Reform Website, 11/15/2017)

PETE SEPP, National Taxpayers Union President: “Passing tax reform will unleash needed economic growth and benefit all Americans…. Today’s debut of the Senate’s tax reform package, along with the House’s progress on legislation, sends a clear message that Congress’ commitment to the American people remains real and achievable.” (National Taxpayers Union, Press Release, 11/09/2017)

20 Conservative Groups: “We write in support of the Chairman’s mark of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The release of this legislation marks an important step in passing comprehensive tax reform before the end of the year. We urge your committee to swiftly approve this bill and send it to the full Senate for consideration. Just like the House bill, your proposal is pro-growth and pro-family. This legislation simplifies the code, reduces taxes for families and businesses, and grows the economy, leading to higher wages and new or better jobs.” (20 Conservative Groups, Letter to Sen. Hatch, 11/13/2017)

Letter signed by:

  • Americans for Tax Reform
  • National Taxpayers Union
  • Americans for Prosperity
  • 60 Plus Association
  • ALEC Action
  • American Commitment
  • Center for Freedom and Prosperity
  • Center for Worker Freedom
  • Concerned Veterans for America
  • Consumer Action for a Strong Economy
  • Council for Citizens Against Government Waste
  • Digital Liberty
  • Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce
  • FreedomWorks
  • Generation Opportunity
  • Hispanic Leadership Fund
  • Independent Women’s Voice
  • The LIBRE Initiative
  • Property Rights Alliance
  • Taxpayers Protection Alliance

RALPH REED, Faith & Freedom Coalition Chairman: “On behalf of the over 1.5 million members and supporters of the Faith & Freedom Coalition, I urge you to vote YES on the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. A vote for this bill is a vote for tax cuts that Republicans have promised and America’s hardworking families desperately deserve. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will help struggling American families succeed in today’s economy and make our job-creating businesses more competitive. … America’s families have already waited too long for tax cuts that let them keep their hard earned dollars and care for their families. We must not fail them. We look forward to working with you to pass the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and strongly support efforts to simplify the code so that it is fairer for families and individuals, while also encouraging the economy to grow, leading to the creation of more jobs and higher wages.” (Ralph Reed, Letter To Senators, 11/15/2017)

AMERICANS FOR PROSPERITY: “This is a critical moment for tax reform. … Now is the time for the Senate to unite around this plan that delivers on the pro-growth promises of the unified tax framework. As the Senate leadership looks to bring this bill to the floor for a vote, we are urging lawmakers to follow through on their commitment to the American people to overhaul the tax code in a way that spurs job creation, drives economic growth and provides middle-class relief. Moving forward, we urge lawmakers to hold strong against special interests, and we look forward to working with both the House and the Senate to see this once-in-a-generation opportunity through.” (Americans For Prosperity, Press Release, 11/16/2017)



Related Issues: Jobs, Middle Class, Taxes, Economy, Tax Reform